by Burlington Capital | Sep 18, 2020 | Affordable Housing, Communities, Construction, Development, News, Property Management, Real Estate
NEWS RELEASE Veterans Come Home to Victory II ApartmentsBurlington Capital Opens Door to Affordable, Supportive Veteran HousingGeneral (Retired) John F. Kelly Keynote Speaker at Sept. 18 Ribbon Cutting Omaha, Neb. Sept. 18, 2020 — Homeless veterans now have...
by Burlington Capital | Aug 24, 2020 | Affordable Housing, Communities, Development, News, Property Management, Real Estate, Uncategorized
Burlington Capital’s Victory Park Veterans Residence in Lincoln Honored with Affordable Housing Award From National Coalition 26th Annual Charles L. Edson Tax Credit Excellence Award recognizes best in affordable housing Washington, D.C. – The Affordable...
by Burlington Capital | May 29, 2019 | Affordable Housing, Communities, Construction, Development, News, Real Estate
Friday’s groundbreaking for a new Veterans Affairs clinic is expected to jump-start more than $100 million in development on the historic east Lincoln VA campus. The clinic, part of the VA Nebraska/Western Iowa Health Care System, is expected to open in the fall...
by Burlington Capital | Jan 14, 2019 | Affordable Housing, Communities, Construction, Development, News, Property Management, Real Estate
Jim Holt avoided peril while conducting airborne surveillance of Russian submarines for the U.S. Navy during the Cold War, but he ran into rough seas after he came home. While in a Veterans Affairs recovery program, Holt was living in rental housing frequented by...